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Stick-This Social Media


...without the fear of being censored because someone disagrees with your opinions and your expressions. Speak politics, religion, life, and more. There are no "fact  checkers" here to paste warnings about what you post. Let people reading your content decide for themselves whether they believe it or like it. If people do not like what you post, they have the option to move on and find something else to read. Nobody is forcing them to read what you post, agree with you, or like what you may say.

Continue to check back for more topics people stick to the wall and to explore new features being added. This will be a place you can have fun, be serious, or do both.

149 Members


*still in progress

Stick Topics

Write up some topics important to you and stick them on your personal wall

Stick Comments

Browse through topics people stick to their walls and join in on conversations

*Stick Pics

Stick pictures to your personal wall and show people what's important to you

*Stick Together

Create connections and stick with those sharing your opinions and beliefs

Your thoughts and ideas are yours to share

Let others decide if they agree with you, not the social media platform

Get Started